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EP 19//Paradigm Shift: Emergency C-Section or Was It?
Cathy was pregnant with her first. She chose her doctor based off of a friend’s recommendation. She had an uneventful labor up until 9cm...

Ep 15// Breech, Twin & Homebirth with Tori Lame
LISTEN & SUBSCRIBE ON APPLE PODCASTS Tori has been married to her husband, Travis, for 10 years and they have been blessed with 6...

COVID-19 Birth Options and Resources
This is not the time for panic. When we start feeling like things are spiraling out of control, the power of communities rallying...

Ep 11//How to Bring "Home" to your Hospital Birth
LISTEN AND SUBSCRIBE ON APPLE PODCAST Christmas is always my favorite time of the year. I sit in my house and look at the Christmas tree...

EP 19//Paradigm Shift: Emergency C-Section or Was It?
Cathy was pregnant with her first. She chose her doctor based off of a friend’s recommendation. She had an uneventful labor up until 9cm...

Fear is a Liar- 2 Practical Ways to not Fear Natural Birth
Fear of the unknown is common. No many women are exempt from this when it comes to childbirth. Women have not been exposed to natural...

To induce or not to induce... that is the question!
Hey mama! I see you over there. You're reading this because your doctor or midwife has just told you that you need to be induced. You may...

3 Ways to Prepare for a Natural Birth
I hear this phrase all of the time… “I’m going to go for a natural birth but I’ll just see what happens.” When coming from a first time...

The Cervical Check Mind Game
Let’s talk about cervical checks! If you’re a first time mom the thought of these can make you squeeze your legs together and cringe....

How to "go with the flow" during your birth the right way!
“I’m just going to go with the flow.” “We’ll see what happens when I get there.” “You can’t control what happens so….” “I don’t need a...

How to Survive the "Ring of Fire"
Ok, the title is a little deceiving! I don’t think the ring of fire is necessarily something to “survive”. The "ring of fire" in and of...

Is a Midwife Or OBGYN best for you?
One of the MOST important things you can do in planning your blissful birth is choosing a provider who supports the experience you would...

Is this normal?
If I had a penny every time someone asked me, “Is this normal” I would be rich by now! This is a question doulas get on a regular basis....

Mindfulness during pregnancy and why it matters
Mindfulness during pregnancy. Seriously, when I first heard this word I thought it was a bunch of woo woo. Like only crazy people are...

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