Karen is a first time mom who is planning to birth at a birth center. As is typical for a first time mom there are nerves and fear of the unknown. "Am I strong enough?" "Will I know when to go to the birth center?" "Will I know how to push?"
These are all very common fears and questions. I had the amazing opportunity to get to speak with Karen, hear her story and help her plan some ways to rewire her brain and reduce some fear of the unknown. Check out the episode now for a quick peak into this session!
Women need community. We need people to speak life and hope as we start our journey into motherhood. First time moms, you don't have to continue in fear and let decisions be made for you.
My goal with The Empowered Birth Podcast and as a Registered Nurse and Birth Keeper is to teach you how to be your own best advocate, how to think critically through decisions and have confidence to surrender to the birth process.
**Get a free download to help you process Risks vs. Benefits of an Intervention or decision by going to: https://bit.ly/benefitvsrisk
Schedule your birth planning session now for only $67!
COVID-19 Birth Options & Resources: https://www.birthblissbeyond.com/post/coronavirus-pregnancy-resources
FREEBIE: Top 5 Things Every Pregnant Mom Needs To Know: https://blissful-birth.teachable.com/p/5things
60 minute Birth Planning Session: Are you feeling overwhelmed with all of your options? Maybe you don't even know where to start with a birth plan. Let me help you dream about your birth and guide you to the options that match the expectations you have for your big day! Schedule your 60 minute session now! www.empoweredbirthpodcast.com/birthplanning
Purchase the Intuitive Mama’s Essentials, the basics every mom should know, including 15 questions to ask your provider, tips on avoiding an episiotomy, birth affirmations and a birth plan template: https://blissful-birth.teachable.com/p/the-intuitive-mamas-essentials
Join our Facebook tribe, a safe place for you to connect with and learn from other mamas who are also on the journey toward informed, empowered birth: www.facebook.com/groups/empoweredmamastribe
IG: @empoweredbirthpodcast
Are you looking for a tribe? For a community of strong women to hold you up when you feel like you're overwhelmed? To help guide you through different decisions during your pregnancy? Come join The Empowered Mama's Tribe on Facebook!