Does the fear of complications, of the unknown, of the pain or even just the process of birth feel too overwhelming? In this short and sweet episode I want to give you a tool that I have used to reduce fear during my pregnancies as well as in my clients. Are you ready??

This podcast episode covers how to practically apply Biblical truths to your desire to overcome fear and anxiety about your dream birth. Those fears and anxieties, as I discuss in this episode, can take the form of ANTs, or Automatic Negative Thoughts, that run rampant in your mind and steal, kill, and destroy any hope or dream you might have about birthing your baby.
As Christians, we are commanded to take those negative thoughts captive so we can make decisions from a peaceful perspective rather than out of fear. But how exactly do we take our thoughts captive?
Here is a framework you can utilize to help you overcome fear and anxiety:
1 - Become aware of your negative thought(s), and write them down so you can assess them and get some clarity from the chaos.
2 - Pray for wisdom and guidance so you can have more peace moving forward in the decisions you are led to make.
3 - Ask if your thoughts are true; do your thoughts line up with the Word of God?
4 - Ask why this thought may be coming up; is it from you, like from a core belief or a past experience? Is it from maybe the Lord prompting you to make a different decision? Or is it from the enemy?
5 - Ask for discernment, and take that NEXT SMALL STEP!
6 - If the thought is from the enemy, then rebuke the enemy.
7 - Move positions; imagine yourself erasing the thought from your mind somehow and then physically stand up or move from where you were before to create space in your mind to...
8 - Replace the thought with Truth! Philippians 4:8
That is the biblical way of taking care of fear and anxiety. Now, for a limited time, I'm giving away my Finding Joy in Pregnancy and Birth eBook, which will help you work through some fears and know what you want out of your birth, so you can make the decisions that will match the dream outcome you're looking for. So head over to Peaceful Home birth on Instagram, DM me the word Joy, and I'll give you a special code to get your copy for free!
